Tag Archives: coffee


Part of the Fifty-Fifty series*

Shelled with red flesh and growing of bushes in Africa, tribal warriors would chew these peculiar nuts for energy on the hunt. And then there is the signature on a fine meal.  Styrofoam and plastic eggs produce our warriors a watery elixir that is particularly good for grooming an ulcer.


The mug waits under the mirror. The steam draws itself upward and obscures the reflection, so you can’t see her in the bath. You can just make out that her face is wet. You presume that it’s just water. The coffee is hot but it is stale, three-days old, reheated.


*In the summer of 2008, Bud & Eugenie Teasley both wrote a series of fifty-word stories on a set theme, at the same time. They only allowed themselves three minutes per story.

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